Sunday, March 13, 2016

I said NO

Today was to be my final day in this big bright wonderful world. See, I have bone cancer. This week, I have been holding my leg up and whimpering a lot.  Mama had called the vet and we had an appointment this morning.  Mama had been crying those big old tears that I hate because she knew the vet would say it was time.  
 But, riddle me this?  Why in the world would I leave when I am getting all kinds of yummy treats.  To heck with a diet. . . In the last month I have had ice cream, biscuits, gravy, cheeseburgers, duck necks.  OMD, duck necks are absolutely the most wonderful things in the world.  I have had bison and well I could bore you with the list, but suffice it to say I have been spoiled twice over.
 This morning, I got up and walked into Mama and reached up and licked her face.  I sat her down and said, "Hey Mama.  Look here, I love you and I plan on sticking around as long as I can."  I looked up at her and proceeded to put all four paws on the ground, and smiled my biggest smile. She looked at me and put my Harley collar on, a sure sign I was going somewhere.  And then, then it happened.  I started my Smoochy dance.  Round and round, I even tried to run to the door and I did *nods lots* even if it was slow motion.
 I needed help getting in the car, but oh boy I was happy.  We went to the vet and Dr. Tom just looked at me in disbelief.  I know that all of the Tanner Brigade prayers were answered for a little while.  I have a reprieve.  I can't leave Mama until I have to.  I know that it won't be that long, but I get to love her a little longer, get to feel that sweet hand on my head, that kiss to the nose every morning, hear that soft whisper "I love you to the moon and back" and TREATS.  Lots and Lots of treats.  
 We stopped at DQ and I got a pup cup this morning. A PUP CUP.  I ate it so fast, Mama got me a whole cone.  Yummmmmmy.
 I am one happy dog, a little lame, but happy.  I get to spend another night with Mama sleeping beside of me.
 I am loved and living on short time, but today I was not Dead Dog Walking.

1 comment:

  1. We pray for more days for you dear friend. We live you and Mama. To the moon and back!!
    JKWE and The Boyz
